Tuesday, September 07, 2004

It's fucking hot!

The most interesting that happened in this most boring day was the growling of the stomach of one of my classmates in American Studies. I'm not sure who it is -- I suspect it was either the Filipino guy in front of me or the German guy next to him -- and it doesn't really matter. What matters is the volume of it. Seriously, it was so loud it was like there was a dying boar inside the classroom. It was clear and distinct and the professor actually paused mid-lecture (a welcome pause; the topic was boring) to look around to see what it was. It was louder and much worse than when your cellphone goes off during class. I couldn't imagine how embarassing that was for him (or her), and I totally would've loved to see his (or her) face when it happened. Would've been funny! I can only imagine what kind of abuse that person's stomach suffered through in order to complain like that.

I also failed terribly my first anthropology quiz this semester. It was totally my fault, too. It's not like I didn't know there was a quiz or I didn't have the book or notes, or anything. I just didn't want to study for such a dull subject. After the quiz, we had a lecture on something science-y that I didn't particularly care about when I first learned about it in high school and still don't give a rat's ass about. Ew.


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