Friday, July 29, 2005

Here's a computers suck entry:

I fucked up my iPod. I was uploading iTunes on the new computer, and it said that I should configure my iPod to work with it. So I hooked my baby up to the 'puter and it was on automatic update, which means the empty music library on the newly-installed iTunes was uploaded to it, which means my iPod is now empty. Gone are all my songs. Linkin Park? Beck? Something Corporate? Gone! Gone! Gone! All those Tina Arena and OPM bootlegs? Gone! I've lost Hairspray, Les Miz and Spamalot, too, so Ate Karen, if you're reading this, can you burn those for me again? I only had enough time and energy last night to upload Wicked and Rent, both of which I'm holding off listening to until I watch the musical and the movie.

So yeah. I'm just a little bit pissed.


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