Monday, September 26, 2005

I now officially and totally suck at my job. I'm not lying. It's on paper, and everything. I even signed it.

I've been given one of those performance improvement, get-better-at-your-job-or-else plans. I have two weeks to show improvement, and two more to complete the improvement process. The consequences, otherwise, have yet to be discussed.

I'm not really upset about it, because it's something I expected. My reaction is a little bit more on the "WTF?" side. They offered some suggestions to help me improve on one of my main problem areas, like setting up an alert on my outlook express to remind me to walk the room and monitor people, and a timer to tell me when to move on to the next person when monitoring. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not have toys telling me what to do and when to do it. I get enough of that from my alarm clock, thank you very much! I'm a bit offended that they thought I didn't know my job, though -- I knew it; I just choose not to do it. I feel like walking the room isn't all that necessary because I always sit on the side where everyone else is so I can hear them if there's anything wrong, and I know that when people have questions, they'll ask me. I don't need to wander around aimlessly to do my job (but I guess it's good exercise?).

Another problem: my language. Hehe. I'd have to start cussing in Tagalog to cover this one up. Potah!

I'm also now required to take notes. Watch out people: big brother's coming! I'm going to have to start getting really anal about things. "Hey Don, your white shirt is showing through your sleeves! Five points from Gryffindor!"

One thing that bothers me though is that they've never really seen me on my good days, which is when I'm working at the contact center alone. That's usually the time when I actually do work because there's actually work to do. I'm efficient: I get the orders done before the next lead comes in, I do message pending, answer people's questions, etc. A lot of their comments seem to be based on days when it's actually not busy and there are two leads and two managers in the room. How am I supposed to do work when there is nothing to be done?

Anyway, in conclusion, I won't be socializing with anyone for a while and don't question me if you see me do laps around the office. But if you walk with me, then maybe we can talk. There's always a way to beat the system.


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