Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Aaahh! Stupid sickness! I've been trying to sleep since 9 p.m., but it's already 5:30 and I'm still awake. I've had a couple of 3-hour blocks of sleep, but I keep waking up because either my right or left nostril is congested. I've already taken more than the recommended dose of sudafed, to no avail. Tomorrow? Is going to be hell because of this. I have to call out sick from work to go see a doctor, but I have school from 4-9:45.

I still have to buy three more books, but have $100 left until Friday. And I still have bills to pay before then. This sucks. I hate being poor. Oh, and homework! I have to do that, too.

Can't wait for Chicago, though. I'm totally craving Dunkin' Donuts and White Castle.

As for things that make me happy: I bought a really cute skirt at Brea Mall during my break today. And I ordered the Arrested Development- and NewsRadio-themed TWoP Now or Never shirts at Glarkware. Good stuff! Though, that explains my depression for having just $100 in my account.


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