Sunday, April 09, 2006

So a few weeks ago, I had these two blemishes right under my nose (among other blemishes, for some reason. Why god why???). They were tiny, red marks. Not bumps, just marks. I was fine with it. Then, about a week ago, tiny red marks started to raise a rebellion against me. And eventually, they formed two little red pimples. Which grew into big red pimples. I was about to name my new twins, but nevermind. Stupid fuckers have decided to merge their evilness into ONE. BIG. FUCKING. RED. PIMPLE. Right under my nose. Bastard!!! It's so red... :(

Current pimple count: 7, more or less. Why god why?????????????????????????


At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want a brown paper bag?


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