Saturday, August 12, 2006

Tagged by Don. I'm really not that bored.

So what you do is ... write six random things about yourself in your blog, and at the end, tag six other people whom you think would also engage in this chain.

1. So shoot me, I saw Wicked a second time today. It was wonderfully awesome, in my opinion, and is now going on the list of shows I can watch over and over again.
She is great, by the way.

2. My eyes have been bothering me a lot lately. They dry after only a few hours of wearing contacts, and when I take my contacts off it feels like there is something lodged behind my eyelids. This can't be normal, can it? After what happened to Oscar, it makes me nervous.

3. I love chocolate-covered malt balls. My personal favorite is Maltesers, and I like to nibble off all the chocolate part first before attacking the malt ball itself with my teeth. I eat Kit Kats in much the same way.

4. When my younger sister and I were much younger and shared a bed, we would always go to bed at the same time, say our nighttime prayers together, and say "good night, sweet dreams, I love you" to each other before actually sleeping. Sometimes, we would wear matching pajamas and pretend we were on a cooking show while fixing ourselves ovaltine. The cats sitting outside the windowsill were our audience.

5. My image of life in America prior to our move here was wholly based on Elizabeth and Jessica's lives in Sweet Valley Twins. Needless to say, I was very disappointed.

6. I am progressing nicely on Sims 2 on DS. I am more than 5,000 Simoleons rich, my hotel is running at 96%, I have reached an aspiration level that makes it so that I am more immune to the Strangetowners' insanity, and I have a superhero alter-ego. That's right: hotel manager by day, ratwoman by night. Just a couple of hours ago, I caught my first thug and sent him to jail. I was also successful in my first ever alien autopsy. One of my hotel guests is a gothic cult leader for some kind of bovine-worshippers society, for whom I had to construct some kind of underground lair. My current goal is to find the mystic cowbell to please her.

Tag: all six of you who read this blog. If any at all.


At 3:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were the first person I tagged.

You should feel special!

Oh and the bit about Sweet Valley High? HIL-ARIOUS!

At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is this tagging business?

At 12:26 AM, Blogger Life said...

You're it!

At 12:57 AM, Blogger karen said...

I just want you to know right now that I'm not filling these survey things up.

And I agree, SHE is awesome!


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