Monday, February 20, 2006

I finally went snowboarding again after a month. Yay! Second time at Snow Valley with Sandy, Alex and, this time around, Don. It was fun.

The good: I carved! And I can do it continuously. It helped that the resort actually had good, real snow this time around, and that there weren't very many people. I had a hard time doing it towards the end of the day though, because I was tired and there were more people around me. Although I'm pretty good at avoiding people, I don't trust anybody to do the same with me.

One of the times we were going down on the freestyle slope, some guy kept telling me to go really fast and go over the jump. Hell no! No broken anything for me 'til after Tahoe, thank you very much! But I tried it in the next round and it was pretty awesome. I went straight down (carving!) and didn't fall until some kid got in my way.

The bad: I seem to have lost my ability to get off the lift. Or maybe Snow Valley just had retarded lifts. I was also pretty tired and hungry, having gotten very little sleep the night before and no breakfast, so I couldn't do as many runs as I wanted to.

Also, on what I was hoping would be my last run, they had some sort of malfunction with the lift so we just boarded down to the bottom and went home. Oh well, I was happy.

I think I'm finally getting the hang of my new board, and my new boots are freakin' awesome. So comfortable!

Can't wait for next time. Joes, get better already so we can go to Snow Summit. And Tahoe Part Two is just a couple of months away.


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