Saturday, November 24, 2007

I puked a little in my mouth reading this.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Almost 10 years and I still don't know what, outside of parades and food and getting a couple of days off from work or school, Thanksgiving Day is for. Why does it exist? When did it begin to exist? Does the turkey have any significance to it at all or is it just for decoration, like the Christmas tree, but edible?

I'll just go to Wikipedia.

Happy thanksgiving all.

(Edit: Here is the Wikipedia entry for Thanksgiving in English. If you find that that is too complicated a read, them thoughtful Wiki folks created a version in simplified English just for you.)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Friday, I was at the live taping of this:

and this:

And it was awesome! Fourth row, center baby! Hehe. My childhood is complete. Thanks, Ate Kar!

Friday, November 02, 2007

I just downloaded In Rainbows for free, and now I feel like a filthy bitch for doing so. Maybe I'll just get the CD when it becomes available to make up for it. Well played, Radiohead. (It is really good, though!)

I want a change. Not a big one, but just something different to change my routine. I think this is why I've been playing loads of Zelda. But after that, what?

Bf writes music reviews for
this site and they're not too shabby at all so go and have a look-see.

I've been really really missing Mamang a lot lately. I need to go visit Pinas again soon.