My bad holiday mood has finally subsided, replaced by a bad second-day-of-period-and-stomach-cramps mood. Few other things are worse than having to walk around feeling icky all day while it's rainy and cold out (like the tsunami in South Asia for example -- hope nothing like that ever happens in Pinas *knock on wood*. Stay safe, people!).
Anyway, I'm having a lot of fun with my Christmas gifts. Currently in the process of uploading my precious CDs on my new mini IPOD (Thanks, Joes!). I've lost 50 kcal total doing DDR, but I did gain a pound when I got weighed at the doctor's office yesterday, so I don't think that means what I think it means. I still have no idea what to buy with my gift card and cash from the parents, though. And I'm still really, really sad about my really cute snowboard at Sports Chalet that I couldn't afford to buy. Dammit. I wish no one buys my baby before me.
Speaking of snowboards, my bones and muscles finally stopped aching from my recent snowboarding escapade with Camisha. Hopefully, we could go again for our second lesson soon. Next time, I'll make sure to fall on my ass rather than my knees to avoid further bruising. Or maybe I'll just wear knee pads.
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