Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Today marks my sixth month anniversary at OCPAC. Woo-hoo! I can't believe it's been that long already. I still feel like I'm inept most of the time, which is weird and very bad. But I was made a lead, which probably means I'm not too shabby at it. Anyway, day off tomorrow. Yay!

I haven't been watching TV a lot lately, but it seems like everytime I tune in, the Jack-In-the-Box commercial on Pastrami Burgers is on. I'm normally not so... middle-America, soccer-mom-y, but I'm just really, really bothered by it. The commercial features a car smashing into a deli and the tag line that goes something like, "Go to Jack-In-The-Box, because delis don't have drive-thrus." I find the ad tasteless, because everytime I see it, I keep thinking, they've just destroyed a small business store and probably cost thousands of dollars worth of damages, not to mention the lives of the people who might've been in it. What if there had been people walking on the sidewalk? They could've died, too. At least those people who just passed by 10 seconds ago got lucky. But still! Innocent people could've been put in danger! So, so WRONG!!! Jack, the spokesperson dude, sucks anyway. What with the tall, pointy hat and the big, giant head, is he trying to compensate for something?

I'm pissed off at Netflix and/or the post office. I mailed the DVDs I had out Monday, which means Netflix should have received them yesterday, which means I should be receiving three new movies today. But I just looked at my account at their site, and it doesn't look like they've received anything at all. Which means I won't be getting any new movies today. And I am not paying almost $20/month for this kind of service, dammit! I want my movies!


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