Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Damn you, stupid printer!

After weeks and weeks of puzzlement, I finally figured out why the damn printer isn't working. I have a bunch of papers I have to print out and, because of the lack of funds on my titancard and sheer desperation, I decided, rather than call Ate Karen and complain again, to get down on my hands and knees and actually look behind the CPU to see what's up.

Objective: Get the printer to start working again.

Materials: Flashlight, mirror.

Hypothesis: The printer needs to be reset or refreshed, or something, because it hasn't been used for so long and is literally covered in dust.

Procedure: (1) Get down on hands and knees; (2) crawl under computer desk; (3) with flashlight and mirror, see what's up.

Observation: The printer definitely isn't broken because the lights are on and paper comes out when I press "Paper Feed." There are two cords running from the printer: a solid, black one and a glittery, see-through one. I tugged at the solid black, it didn't budge, so I figured it was connected to something. The glittery one wasn't attached to anything when I pulled on it and the end looked like something you connect to a CPU.

Conclusion: The solid, black cord is the electric plug and is connected to the socket. The glittery, see-through cord is the printer thingy that you attach to the CPU. So obviously, the printer isn't hooked up to anything. And that's why it isn't working. Took me over a month to figure that out.

Smart one, Holmes.


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